ECF Serving

Serving Opportunities

Our mission at ECF is to love Bay County and beyond in a way that reflects the heart and mission of Jesus Christ to the glory of God.

There are many opportunities to serve at our church weekly especially with our children and teenagers on Sundays and Wednesdays. We have also partnered with organizations and nonprofits throughout Bay County, in which we believe in furthering their mission and cause.

Look through the diverse opportunities and let us know how we can get you connected to serve!


Church Opportunities

Social Media

If you are on social media, it would help us greatly if you would share, like and even write a review for our posts and podcasts. This helps us spread our influence even further on our social media platforms!

ECF Kids on Wednesdays

Our Wednesday night schedule runs much like a VBS style rotation framework. Children rotate through a variety of stations throughout the evening to help them learn the Biblical truth of the week. Serve as a classroom teacher or assistant.

Email Bridgette Jencks

Preschoolers on Wednesdays

Serve as a classroom teacher or assistant in one of our preschool classrooms on Wednesday evenings. Preschoolers complete a craft and learn a Biblical truth for the week. We also have opportunities to serve as a greeter at our Preschool Check-In Desk.

Email Bridgette Jencks

ECF Kids on Sundays (Small Groups)

Small Groups are a top priority for all ages, which includes our children! We offer age-graded small groups on Sunday mornings from kindergarten - 5th grade. Serve as a small group teacher or assistant. Substitutes will be available.

Email Bridgette Jencks

Preschool Ministry on Sundays

We offer childcare from birth to 4 years old during our Worship Services on Sunday mornings.  Along with our paid nursery workers, we have our church family volunteer in each of our classrooms.  Serve as a nursery volunteer, you can even sign up on a rotation. Background check required.

Email Bridgette Jencks

The Wreck - Student Ministry

We are always in need of volunteers at our Check-In table and in the Parking Lot where students gather before and after the Worship Service. Also, come serve as a small group leader on Sunday mornings with either our middle or high school students.

Email Doug Moore

Greeter Ministry

Hospitality is important to us here at ECF! We want our guests and church family to feel very welcomed as soon as they step on campus. Come serve as a greeter or coffee bar host on a monthly rotation.

Email Charles and Claudia Rutledge

Tech Ministry

On Sunday mornings we have several opportunities for you to get involved in to help our Tech Ministry. We need help with running cameras, lights, sound, and Propresenter. These are all areas that we can train volunteers in. Our Tech Ministry is very important because it helps us connect with our Church Family who are unable to attend in person.

Email Doug Yager

Backpack Blessings

We provide food weekly for over 500 “food insecurity” students in Bay County. Come serve in the weekly delivery of the food to our local schools to bless the children in our community.

Email Dan Creel

Happy Soles

Every Tuesday morning our group of volunteers meet at a local school to wash students feet, give them a brand new pair of socks, and provide them with a brand new pair of shoes. The reason we do this is because we want these students to know the love of Jesus Christ.

Email Gloria Whitworth

Organizations We Support

Elevate Bay supports and encourages at-risk children enrolled in Bay District Schools. There are opportunities to mentor both one-on-one and entire classrooms as well as to meet with a group or classroom as their lunch buddy.

To learn more contact Stacey Legg Mentoring Initiative Specialist, at (850) 767-4128.

Visit Website

Children’s Advocacy Center has transformed the lives of victims of child abuse and sexual violence by offering a refuge for victims and their families to cope with the terrible crimes of child abuse and sexual assault while reducing the fear and further trauma that disclosure and investigation often creates.

To learn more contact Shannon Rodriguez .

Visit Website

ACH is a non-profit organization, founded on Christian principles and beliefs, which serves, protects and strengthens children, families and community. Our mission is to be an Anchor for today's children, strengthening tomorrow's families.

To learn more contact Brooke Bullard , Development Director.

Visit Website

Neverthirst Ministries believes water and Jesus are essential for life. There are villages throughout Asia and Africa in need of both. Neverthirst works to help these villages live healthy physical and spiritual lives. At ECF, our adults and youth actively work to raise money and sponsor clean water wells.

To learn more contact Matt Letourneau .

Visit Website