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Emerald Coast Christmas

Emerald Coast Fellowship 4102 W. Hwy 390, Lynn Haven, FL, United States

You are invited to join us for an Emerald Coast Christmas! Join us Sunday, December 25th at 10 am as we celebrate the birth of our Savior! We will have a time of Worship and studying God's Word!

We will not have Small Groups that day. It will just be the one service at 10 am! 

Wreck Summer Camp Sign Up Deadline

Emerald Coast Fellowship 4102 W. Hwy 390, Lynn Haven, FL, United States

The deadline to sign up a student for Summer camp is January 29th at 11:59 PM. We want to make sure all students get signed up for what will be the best week of the summer.

The details for Summer Camp are:

May 29th-June 2nd 2023

Shocco Springs, Talladega, AL

Cost $300

To sign up for summer camp, please visit: https://onrealm.org/EmeraldCoastFel/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=MzYxZTUxMGItMmQzZS00MjA1LTg2OWMtYWYxNjAxMGU3Njlh

Wednesday Night Kickoff

Emerald Coast Fellowship 4102 W. Hwy 390, Lynn Haven, FL, United States

Wednesday night activities start Wednesday, January 11th. 

Our Wednesday night schedule:


4:30 – 6pm: Dinner ($9 Adult (13 and up), $3 children (7-12 yrs), 6 and under are free, max $25 per household)

6 pm: Preschool, Children, Adult Small Groups, & Next Steps

6:15 pm: Middle School Worship: In the Worship Center

7:15 pm: High School Worship: In the Worship Center

Men’s Dinner

Emerald Coast Fellowship 4102 W. Hwy 390, Lynn Haven, FL, United States

We want to invite all men to the first Men's Dinner of 2023! God worked in major ways through our Men's Ministry in 2022. We saw men get saved, baptized, and begin serving in our Church. We are praying and expecting God to do the same in 2023. 

Join us Sunday, January 15th from 6-7 PM in the Worship Center for dinner, fellowship, and God's Word. Our Men's Ministry Leader, Brannon Chester, will be our speaker. His goal is to motivate our men to focus on God this year, grow deeper in their faith, get involved in our ministry! We want you to be the man that God has called you to be!

Invite someone to join you and we hope to see you there!

Women’s Ministry IF: Gathering Simulcast

Emerald Coast Fellowship 4102 W. Hwy 390, Lynn Haven, FL, United States

We want to invite all ladies to join us for the IF: Gathering Simulcast. The focus of the IF: Gathering is: This year, we’re going to remind each other that we have what we need, because the Lord is our Shepherd. We’re going to bring each other back to the basics, rallying around the fact that God made us, equipped us, and prepared us for good works . We’re going to recognize there’s a cost to this way of living, but prove that it’s still worth it. And we’re going to walk away really clear on our mission to serve God and disciple those around us. 

Details for the Event:

Friday, March 3rd - Saturday, March 4th

Emerald Coast Fellowship

Childcare provided by reservation.

Micro Easter Egg Hunts

Micro Easter Egg Hunts are hosted by ECF Families at their home or a park. Each event will have tons of eggs, snacks, and goodies. The total time at each event will be about 45-60 minutes. Please invite your friends!! ...but make sure they sign up too. Space is limited at each hunt location. The first 150 registrants will receive a free gift at their hunt!
Please select 1 event and register each child individually.
Options are:
Host: Sims (Southport) - Preschool & Elementary; Saturday, April 1st, Time 3:00 (Preschool) and 3:45 (Elementary)
Host: Tarr (Bayou George) - Preschool & Elementary; Satruday, April 1st at 2:00PM
Host: Baker (Callaway) - Mixed ages; Sunday, April 2nd at 3:00PM
Host: Knox (Sweet Bay neighborhood) - Preschool; Sunday, April 2nd at 4:00PM
Host: McCants (King’s Point) - Preschool; Friday, April 7th at 10:30AM
Host: Crews (Lynn Haven) - Preschool; Friday, April 7th at 11:00AM
Host: Moore (Lynn Haven) - 3rd-5th Grades; Saturday, April 8th at 3:30PM
The location address will be emailed to participants at a time closer to the event date.

Easter Family Worship Kits

Emerald Coast Fellowship 4102 W. Hwy 390, Lynn Haven, FL, United States

This Easter Devotional Guide for Families is an 8-day experience designed to prepare our hearts for Easter as we focus on Jesus. You and your children will read a short devotional each day, consider daily discussion questions, pray, and participate in engaging hands-on activities. All you need is a Bible and a few simple items!
Our prayer is that this Easter kit will help your family learn more about God’s great love that was displayed through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and celebrate His victory over sin and death through His resurrection.
Those who register by March 22nd may pick up their kits between Sunday, 3/26 and Wednesday 3/29. Only 1 registration is needed per family. If you register after the deadline or after our allotted number of kits is reached, don’t worry! We can send a digital version of the devotional guide and you likely have most of the supplies needed for the activities laying around your house.
We invite you to share photos of your family participating in the experience by posting photos on social media. In doing so, you are sharing God’s love in a non-intimidating way - what a simple way to be a missionary! We would love for you to tag @ECFKids on Facebook or Instagram! If you’d like to email photos to Bridgette or Lauren, we would love to share some on our ECF pages as well!
We hope you and your family enjoy this experience!
Bridgette & Lauren

Palm Sunday

Emerald Coast Fellowship 4102 W. Hwy 390, Lynn Haven, FL, United States

Palm Sunday is always a special Sunday at ECF because we begin to prepare our hearts to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior and we participate together as a Church Family in the Lord's Supper. Join us at 8:15 0r 10:45 AM for one of our Worship Services. We also have small groups for all ages that meet at 9:30 AM.

Night of Worship

Emerald Coast Fellowship 4102 W. Hwy 390, Lynn Haven, FL, United States

Join us for a night of worship as we seek to have an encounter with Jesus! Worship is one of the best ways that we can connect with the Lord! We are praying and expecting God to move in a mighty way!