The Wreck

Life is a journey, and the teenage years are an important part of that. Whether you are a new and incoming 6th grader, or a 12th grader ready to graduate high school, The WRECK is the place to be! Around town, we are known for having a student ministry that impacts our local schools for Jesus Christ. At Emerald Coast Fellowship, we want our students to not only come and worship, but to learn how to reach their school for Jesus! We believe that students are the church of today, not just of tomorrow. We want to help them understand that they are called to be missionaries and ambassadors for Christ in everything they do!
Get Connected

Student Pavilion & Modular

On Wednesday nights our students hangout at the student pavilion! This pavilion has a food truck where we serve free dinner; a hangout area, and outdoor games like four square, volleyball, soccer, basketball and a gaga ball pit.

Wednesday Nights

Our staff and volunteers want to make Wednesday nights at The Wreck and influential time! We share the love of Jesus through relationship building, Bible Study, and worship. We are all about a growing number of followers for Christ’s Kingdom!

Sunday Mornings

Emerald Coast Fellowship meets every Sunday morning at 8:15 am and 10:45 am. We offer in- person small group options for our teenagers at 9:30 am. We have small group options for both middle school and high school students.

Campus Ministry

Our Student Ministry is active on about 10 campuses. Every week we take part in Christian clubs all across Bay County. In addition, we take an active role in athletic and fine arts ministry. We believe that the church has to be where students are in order to reach them for Jesus.

Future Student Building

During Hurricane Michael we lost an entire building and we have determined to replace that space with a brand new student ministry building to serve our community for years to come by loving teenagers and their families. We are excited for this new chapter and for what God will do in the lives of our teenagers! The best is yet to come!

Students Who Serve

At ECF we believe that every member of the church can serve! Not only are student praise and production teams led and ran by students, but we have around fifty students serving somewhere in the church during a given month! We believe that there is not age limit on making a difference in the Kingdom!

Calendar of Events

This Month

Calendar of Events

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